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Our SM H. Co., Ltd., Samsung Heavy Industries Co., the offshore plant division material handling machines inherit the business as a company founded by power plants, material handling equipment and stevedoring facilities Motorcycles Turn-Key Base performed on all areas relating to the mill and to the main business areas.

The founding of our power as human resources personnel have been dedicated to this line of business for more than 20 years at Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.,

Collect all the means in accordance with the policy of stopping sales of Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. for the project in January 2006 it was to establish an independent legal entity.

Based on the trust we have earned from the technology learned it comes to lead the business with customers over the past 30 years we will further grow as a company that actively achieve customer satisfaction.

I really appreciate having you to pray for our continued support and encouragement of the development of your We wish you a good time with our website. Thank you.

12, Sogye-ro, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea